
This Fortress wasn’t made to keep things out—it was made to keep you in. With a large standing platform, wraparound enclosure, and auto-closing gate, the Fortress™ takes the benefits of a platform ladder and combines them with the lightweight, quick-and-easy setup of a stepladder.

  • Simple Setup and Storage - one movement, one person, one second—that’s all you need to handle the Fortress like a pro. Just push the platform handle to deploy or pull it to fold.
  • Innovative Tool Tray - Slots, holes, hooks, and a closeable container. This versatile top cap is our best one yet—plus, you can lean on it.
  • Enclosed Platform - The extra-large standing platform features a gated, wraparound enclosure that shuts automatically when you step in.
  • Ground Cue - Show your ankles some love. 20% of ladder accidents come from missing the last step on the way down. With the Ground Cue®, putting weight on the bottom step makes an audible and tactile “click,” letting you know you’ve reached the final step of the ladder.